Guest Post: CoastingNZ ~ Sitting on Top of the World

For a few weeks now, you’ve been seeing my Featured Guest Photos but this week please welcome my first Featured Writer ~ Jan submitted this story to me and I really liked the fact that the story is about New Zealand, which I have never been to and don’t see myself getting there any time in the near future so I’m happy I can share this with my followers. Enjoy the story and beautiful images from the top of the world.

Featured Writer: / Sitting on Top of the World

Top of Mt George, Punakaiki Coastline, West Coast, NZTop of Mt George, Punakaiki Coastline, West Coast, NZ

Sitting on Top of the World, Mt George, Punakaiki Coastline, West Coast, NZ

Sitting on Top of the World, Mount George, Paparoa Ranges, Punakaiki Coastline, West Coast, NZ

Sitting on top of the world, watching the time roll away, sitting on top of the world, wasting tii -iii, iii, iiimmme

I left my home in Greymouth and travelled out the Coastal road. Parked up at the 10 mile and hiked up to the top of Mount George ooohhh, sitting on the top of the world…….

Ok, so you have to be with me on the tune here, and yes I’ve changed the words but thanks to Otis Reading and his “sitting on the Dock of the Bay” for the melody cos with these views that was all that was going through my head!

Views to Tasman Sea, climbing Mt George, Punakaiki Coastline, West Coast, NZ

Views to Tasman Sea and Southern Alps, Mt George, Punakaiki Coastline, West Coast, NZ

This is a fantastic hike – must be described as a hike as it is true blue back-country tramping. Not a long hike but a good climb up the mountain, through NZ native bush with some fantastic examples of our wonderful flora and fauna. There was a beautiful NZ Falcon souring above us at the top and a couple of cute little fantail following us on the way back down.

Backcountry Exploring West Coast Style, Mt George, NZ

Wild West Coast, Punakaiki Coastline, NZ

The trail starts out straight into climbing up through the dense native bush before popping out on a ridgeline covered in Keikei, manuka and young beech trees (still climbing!!!). Another section in the native bush (and yes, it is up, up, up) before we have to clamber our way up a crag to reach the rock face and gain the rewards of the top. There is a trig at the top so we know we’ve made it – that and you can only go down again from here!

Southern Alps and Tasman Sea views, Mt George, Paparoa Ranges, West Coast, NZ

Great Coast Road views, Punakaiki Coastline, West Coast, NZ

The views though – WOW! 360 degree – out to the Tasman (we could see at least three fishing boats), all up and down the coast, our house!, out the back to Runanga and you can just make out the outskirts of Greymouth, the towering peaks of the Southern Alps off in the background including fabulous views of Mt Cook and Mt Tasman – did I mention WOW!

Mountain climbing, Mt George, West Coast, NZ

Heading for the tops, Mt George, Paparoa Ranges, West Coast, NZ

Almost at the top, Mt George, West Coast, NZ

Have to admit, it was a grunt to get up here – certainly got the blood pumping and the heart rate up. I felt muscles in places I didn’t know I had muscles! Worth it though. Surprisingly – given the elevation we were climbing, it didn’t actually take that long. All in all, we were only away for a couple of hours – including our snack stop at the top.

Wahoo, at the top, Mt George, Punakaiki coastline, West Coast, NZ

What goes up, must come down…….

Coming down Mt George, you can see the track meandering ahead

Heading back down with views to Tasman Sea, West Coast, NZ

After some careful foot placement we eventually make it back down to the bottom. Very cool looking back from the car up to where we were – wow, we just climbed that. Fantastic!

Sitting on top of the world, watching the time roll away, sitting on top of the world………

Jan and Stephen love to get out exploring so check out their website for other things to see and do in the area – or just follow their blog for their latest adventures.


If you would like to submit your travel photos or a guest blog, please see my Submission Requirements page for instructions. I hope to hear from you.